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Premakumari, S.

  • Acceptability of Bitter Gourd (Momordica charantia L.) Recipes with Different Cooking Methods

  • Impact of Supplementing Value added Rice Bran Incorporated Ready to Eat Mixes on Diabetics and Hyperlipidemics

  • Mono Sodium Glutamate as a Substitute for Sodium Chloride in Indian Diets

  • Formulation and Evaluation of Nanoparticles of Almonds in Hypercholesterolemia

  • Behavioural Management of Autistic Children through Dietary Intervention

  • Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of Consumers towards Food Safety

  • Evaluation of Present Food Labeling System and Creating Awareness among Population Groups

  • Body Composition of overweight and Obese Adolescent Girls (15 - 19 Years)

  • Food Preferences and Food Beliefs of Autistic Children

  • Development and Evaluation of a Pulse Based Probiotic Food for Autism

  • Impact of Diet Modification on the Nutritional Profile and Sports Performance of Adolescent Athletes

  • Effect of Micronutrient Supplementation on the Nutritional and Immune Status of School Going Children with Upper and Lower Respiratory Tract Infections

  • Book Review

  • Sub-Chronic Toxicity of Ekanayakam (Salacia reticulata] in Albino Rats

  • Supplementation of Milk Based Health Drink Enriched with Micronutrients Part II - Impact on Clinical and Morbidity Picture, Physical Performance and Cognitive Development of 7-12 Year Old Children

  • Supplementation of Milk Based Health Drink Enriched with Micro Nutrients - Part-I Impact on Growth and Haemoglobin Status of 7-12 Year Old Children

  • Socio-Economic, Nutritional and Health Factors Influencing the Cognitive Development of 7-9 Year Old Children

  • Hypoglycaemic Potential of Insulin Plant (Costus pictus D. Don) in Alloxan Induced Diabetic Rats and Type 2 Diabetic Subjects

  • Effect of Nutritious Supplements on Female HIV/AIDS Patients

  • Physicochemical Characteristics of Vegetable Oils and their Blends with Respect to Nutritional Significance

  • Intrafamilial Food Distribution and Nutritional Status of Selected Textile Labourer Families in Coimbatore

  • Book Review

  • Book Review

  • Health and Nutritional Status of Working Women in Coimbatore and their Exposure to Occupational Hazards

  • Health and Nutritional Status of Working Women in Coimbatore and their Exposure to Occupational Hazards

  • Book Review

  • Book Review

  • Health and Nutritional Problems of the Aged

  • Book Review

  • Book Review

  • Book Review

  • Impact of the ICDS in Keerapalayam Block of South Arcot District, Tamil Nadu

  • Nutritional Status of Women in Sericulture Farming

  • Food Distribution Order, Food Beliefs and Feeding Practices in Sericulture Households

  • Book Review

  • Lipid Profile of Fish Eaters and Non Fish Eaters in Burnpur, West Bengal

  • Book Review

  • Book Review

  • Book Review

  • Growth Profile and Haemoglobin Levels of Adolescent Girls from Affluent and Low Income Families of Urban and Rural Areas of Coimbatore

  • Mass Literacy Programme - An Effective Medium to Impart Nutrition Education

  • Dietary Habits and Beta Carotene Rich Food Intakes of Children (6-12 Years of Age) Participating in the Puratchi Thalaivar Dr. M.G.R. Nutritious Meal Programme for Children

  • Book Reviews

  • Book Review

  • Female Literacy and Family Improvement - Part I Correlation between Female Literacy, Birth Rate and Infant Mortality Rate

  • Zinc in Human Biology

  • Socio Cultural Impact of the Preschool Feeding Programmes

  • A History of Human Nutrition in Australia

  • Official Methods of Analysis of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists

  • Nutrition Research Reviews

  • The Effects of under Nutrition on Children's Behaviour

  • An Evaluation of the Suggested Balanced Diets of the ICMR (1981) for Women Doing Moderate and Heavy Work

  • Advances in Cereal Science and Technology Volume VIII

  • Oats:Chemistry and Technology

  • Helping Health Workers Learn:A Book of Methods, Aids, and Ideas for Instructors at the Village Level

  • The Winged Bean - A High-Protein Crop for the Tropics

  • Nutrition and the Skin

  • An Evaluation of the Recommended Dietary Allowances by the ICMR (1981) for Men Doing Moderate and Heavy Work

  • Energy and Protein Requirements

  • Bone and Mineral Research/4

  • Evolving a Standard Schedule for the Evaluation of the Preschool Feeding Programmes

  • ISI Hand Book of Food Analysis Part I General Methods

  • ISI Handbook of Food Analysis - Parts II, III and IV

  • Potentials of the Multipurpose Health Workers (MPHW) for Improving the Nutritional Status of Rural Communities

  • Prevalence of Nutritional and Non Nutritional Disease Among 0 - 6 Year Old Children and Their Nutritional Status

  • Availability of Folic Acid from Selected Germinated Cereals and Pulses

  • Indian Pediatrics

  • Carbohydrates and Health

  • Topics in Dietary Fiber Research

  • Biological Availability of β Carotene from Fresh and Dried Green Leafy Vegetables on Preschool Children

  • Availability of Calcium from Tree Lettuce (Pisonia alba) on School Children

  • Indian Pediatrics

  • Nutritional Impact of School Lunch Programme on Children over a Period of Five Years

  • Alternative Approaches to meeting Basic Health Needs in Developing Countries

  • Nutrition Labeling

  • Make your Own Jams Squashes and Marmalades

  • Influence of Dietary Sunflower Oil on Blood Cholesterol Level in Human Subjects

  • Deliciously Yours

  • Influence of Dietary Sunflower Oil on Serum and Hepatic Constituents of Rats

  • Food Adulteration

  • Evaluation of a Low Cost Meal in a School Lunch Programme

  • The Healing Factor 'Vitamin C' against Disease

  • Food Science in Developing Countries

  • Your Money's Worth in Foods

  • Nutritional Benefits of an Indigenous Mixture in a School Lunch

  • Primitive Folk and Modern Medicine

  • Farming in the Class Room

  • Souvenir-Seminar on Nutritious Foods for meeting Social Objectives

  • Nutritious Foods for Everybody

  • Family Fare A Guide to Good Nutrition

  • Food Guide to Good Nutrition

  • Chemical Additives in Booze

  • Protein Intake and Mental Abilities of Selected Rural Preschool Children

  • Ceres - FAO Review

  • Nutritional Evaluation of School Lunch Programme in Two Selected Villages

  • Hypoglycemic Effect of Bitter Gourd (Momordica charantia L) Among Pre Diabetics in India:A Randomized Placebo Controlled Cross Over Study